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Design Tips Blog

An ongoing series of blogs with simple, easy to apply tips for refreshing your home or addressing issues through design.

Working at home can have a lot of benefits. No stressful commute, pyjamas as work clothes (or pyjama pants with a suit jacket for Zoom meetings)...but it can also present a big challenge for extraverted people. The activity and stimulus around us is what provides an extraverted person with their energy and focus. Working at home, especially when no one else is around, removes the office noise, informal interruptions, and loud coworkers. This might sound fantastic to more introverted people but can leave extraverted people feeling tired and here to read full blog.

A lot of us like to see big design transformation that are showcased on many interior design and home reno shows.  However, those shows often highlight big and expensive projects that are fun to watch but not realistic for a lot of people. 

So how can you get a big design transformation on a small budget?  Two words: paint and to read full blog.

Introverted, Laid Back  Home Office

Since the pandemic started, a lot of people have been working from home.  Although Ontario has started re-opening, the way many companies do business may change as they realize flexible work arrangements can be effective.  If you've been working from home, how has that been for you?  Have you been able to focus and be efficient?

As with any space, there isn't one formula for creating an ideal home office.  It depends partly on your personality.  Today, I'm focusing on two personality traits and how they relate to creating your best home here to read full blog.

If there's a topic you want addressed or a question you want answered, send in your idea using the Blog Topic Idea button.

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